Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Goddaughter

Everyone always says that you can't choose your family and it is true. You're born into it and you're stuck with it. But there is a way that your family can choose you and that's exactly what happened to me on Saturday April 12, 2008.

As the clock was approaching 8PM little Sofia Gabrielli came into this world and I am told she immediately asked if Uncle Markus would be her godfather. Through the tears in my eyes, I emphatically told her father that I would be honored. As much as you think about how cool something would be, it never prepares you for when you get that phone call and it becomes a reality.

I was speechless. No, actually the first words out of my mouth were "no way" but obviously that was not my final answer. After hanging up the phone I had no idea what to say, no idea what just happened. Even to this day I have to keep checking my cell phone, looking for the picture to tell me that it actually happened.

To use an employment analogy, my resume would probably not be on top of the pile. I'm not a perfect guy, then again who is? But Tim and Jess thought enough about me to bestow on me the greatest honor I can imagine. To some it might not be a big deal. It seems like everyone is a godfather or godmother out there. Sometimes all you have to be is a brother or a sister and you're asked to be a godfather or godmother as if its a given. But this is different. Neither one of them have a brother so its not that simple. But even more than that, they have deep convictions in their faith and I would imagine took their options very seriously. And despite all that, they still found me worthy of this great distinction. What were they thinking?

We hear about unconditional love but I always thought that I wouldn't know what that feels like until I have children of my own. I think I have a pretty good idea though already. I have never met this little girl and yet she is already my favorite person in this world. I can not wait to meet her and start to spoil my goddaughter.

I guess I'll have to start saving my money for extra plane tickets to Ohio. The Gabrielli's might just see me on their doorstep on random weekends just to see my little angel as often as I can. Tim and Jess wanted me in her life for a very special reason. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that I am there for her and that she always knows that Uncle Markus loves her very much. And truth be told, Uncle Markus will always love mommy and daddy Gabrielli just as much.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow...that lil Sophia is one lucky lady! What a beautiful blog, Godfather!